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1   /* BdbUriUniqFilter
2   *
3   * $Id: 4927 2007-02-21 10:18:39Z gojomo $
4   *
5   * Created on September 17, 2004
6   *
7   * Copyright (C) 2004 Internet Archive.
8   *
9   * This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler (
10  *
11  * Heritrix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
13  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
14  * any later version.
15  *
16  * Heritrix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
22  * along with Heritrix; if not, write to the Free Software
23  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
24  */
25  package org.archive.crawler.util;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import java.util.logging.Level;
32  import java.util.logging.Logger;
34  import st.ata.util.FPGenerator;
36  import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.LongBinding;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import;
40  import;
41  import;
42  import;
43  import;
44  import;
47  /***
48   * A BDB implementation of an AlreadySeen list.
49   * 
50   * This implementation performs adequately without blowing out 
51   * the heap. See
52   * <a href="">AlreadySeen</a>.
53   * 
54   * <p>Makes keys that have URIs from same server close to each other.  Mercator
55   * and 2.3.5 'Elminating Already-Visited URLs' in 'Mining the Web' by Soumen
56   * Chakrabarti talk of a two-level key with the first 24 bits a hash of the
57   * host plus port and with the last 40 as a hash of the path.  Testing
58   * showed adoption of such a scheme halving lookup times (This implementation
59   * actually concatenates scheme + host in first 24 bits and path + query in
60   * trailing 40 bits).
61   * 
62   * @author stack
63   * @version $Date: 2007-02-21 10:18:39 +0000 (Wed, 21 Feb 2007) $, $Revision: 4927 $
64   */
65  public class BdbUriUniqFilter
66  extends SetBasedUriUniqFilter implements Serializable {
67      private static final long serialVersionUID = -8099357538178524011L;
69      private static Logger logger =
70          Logger.getLogger(BdbUriUniqFilter.class.getName());
72      protected boolean createdEnvironment = false;
73      protected long lastCacheMiss = 0;
74      protected long lastCacheMissDiff = 0;
75      protected transient Database alreadySeen = null;
76      static protected DatabaseEntry ZERO_LENGTH_ENTRY = 
77          new DatabaseEntry(new byte[0]);
78      private static final String DB_NAME = "alreadySeenUrl";
79      protected long count = 0;
80      private long aggregatedLookupTime = 0;
82      private static final String COLON_SLASH_SLASH = "://";
84      /***
85       * Shutdown default constructor.
86       */
87  	protected BdbUriUniqFilter() {
88  		super();
89  	}
91      /***
92       * Constructor.
93       * @param environment A bdb environment ready-configured.
94       * @throws IOException
95       */
96      public BdbUriUniqFilter(Environment environment)
97      throws IOException {
98          super();
99          try {
100             initialize(environment);
101         } catch (DatabaseException e) {
102             throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
103         }
104     }
106     /***
107      * Constructor.
108      * @param bdbEnv The directory that holds the bdb environment. Will
109      * make a database under here if doesn't already exit.  Otherwise
110      * reopens any existing dbs.
111      * @throws IOException
112      */
113     public BdbUriUniqFilter(File bdbEnv)
114     throws IOException {
115         this(bdbEnv, -1);
116     }
118     /***
119      * Constructor.
120      * @param bdbEnv The directory that holds the bdb environment. Will
121      * make a database under here if doesn't already exit.  Otherwise
122      * reopens any existing dbs.
123      * @param cacheSizePercentage Percentage of JVM bdb allocates as
124      * its cache.  Pass -1 to get default cache size.
125      * @throws IOException
126      */
127     public BdbUriUniqFilter(File bdbEnv, final int cacheSizePercentage)
128     throws IOException {
129         super();
130         if (!bdbEnv.exists()) {
131             bdbEnv.mkdirs();
132         }
133         EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
134         envConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
135         if (cacheSizePercentage > 0 && cacheSizePercentage < 100) {
136             envConfig.setCachePercent(cacheSizePercentage);
137         }
138         try {
139             createdEnvironment = true;
140             initialize(new Environment(bdbEnv, envConfig));
141         } catch (DatabaseException e) {
142             throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
143         }
144     }
146     /***
147      * Method shared by constructors.
148      * @param env Environment to use.
149      * @throws DatabaseException
150      */
151     protected void initialize(Environment env) throws DatabaseException {
152         DatabaseConfig dbConfig = getDatabaseConfig();
153         dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
154         try {
155             env.truncateDatabase(null, DB_NAME, false);
156         } catch (DatabaseNotFoundException e) {
157             // Ignored
158         }
159         open(env, dbConfig);
160     }
162     /***
163      * @return DatabaseConfig to use
164      */
165     protected DatabaseConfig getDatabaseConfig() {
166         DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
167         dbConfig.setDeferredWrite(true);
168         return dbConfig;
169     }
171     /***
172      * Call after deserializing an instance of this class.  Will open the
173      * already seen in passed environment.
174      * @param env DB Environment to use.
175      * @throws DatabaseException
176      */
177     public void reopen(final Environment env)
178     throws DatabaseException {
179         DatabaseConfig dbConfig = getDatabaseConfig();
180         open(env, dbConfig);
181     }
183     protected void open(final Environment env, final DatabaseConfig dbConfig)
184     throws DatabaseException {
185         this.alreadySeen = env.openDatabase(null, DB_NAME, dbConfig);
186     }
188     public synchronized void close() {
189         Environment env = null;
190         if (this.alreadySeen != null) {
191         	try {
192                 env = this.alreadySeen.getEnvironment();
193                 if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
194           "Count of alreadyseen on close " +
195                         Long.toString(count));
196                 }
197                 this.alreadySeen.sync();
198 				this.alreadySeen.close();
199 			} catch (DatabaseException e) {
200 				logger.severe(e.getMessage());
201 			}
202             this.alreadySeen = null;
203         }
204         if (env != null && createdEnvironment) {
205             try {
206 				// This sync flushes whats in RAM.  Its expensive operation.
207 				// Without, data can be lost.  Not for transactional operation.
208 				env.sync();
209 				env.close();
210 			} catch (DatabaseException e) {
211 				logger.severe(e.getMessage());
212 			}
213         }
214     }
216     public synchronized long getCacheMisses() throws DatabaseException {
217         long cacheMiss = this.alreadySeen.getEnvironment().
218             getStats(null).getNCacheMiss();
219         this.lastCacheMissDiff = cacheMiss - this.lastCacheMiss;
220         this.lastCacheMiss = cacheMiss;
221         return this.lastCacheMiss;
222     }
224     public long getLastCacheMissDiff() {
225         return this.lastCacheMissDiff;
226     }
228     /***
229      * Create fingerprint.
230      * Pubic access so test code can access createKey.
231      * @param uri URI to fingerprint.
232      * @return Fingerprint of passed <code>url</code>.
233      */
234     public static long createKey(CharSequence uri) {
235         String url = uri.toString();
236         int index = url.indexOf(COLON_SLASH_SLASH);
237         if (index > 0) {
238             index = url.indexOf('/', index + COLON_SLASH_SLASH.length());
239         }
240         CharSequence hostPlusScheme = (index == -1)? url: url.subSequence(0, index);
241         long tmp = FPGenerator.std24.fp(hostPlusScheme);
242         return tmp | (FPGenerator.std40.fp(url) >>> 24);
243     }
247     protected boolean setAdd(CharSequence uri) {
248         DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
249         LongBinding.longToEntry(createKey(uri), key);
250         long started = 0;
252         OperationStatus status = null;
253         try {
254             if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
255                 started = System.currentTimeMillis();
256             }
257             status = alreadySeen.putNoOverwrite(null, key, ZERO_LENGTH_ENTRY);
258             if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
259                 aggregatedLookupTime +=
260                     (System.currentTimeMillis() - started);
261             }
262         } catch (DatabaseException e) {
263             logger.severe(e.getMessage());
264         }
265         if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
266             count++;
267             if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
268                 final int logAt = 10000;
269                 if (count > 0 && ((count % logAt) == 0)) {
270           "Average lookup " +
271                         (aggregatedLookupTime / logAt) + "ms.");
272                     aggregatedLookupTime = 0;
273                 }
274             }
275         }
276         if(status == OperationStatus.KEYEXIST) {
277             return false; // not added
278         } else {
279             return true;
280         }
281     }
283     protected long setCount() {
284         return count;
285     }
287     protected boolean setRemove(CharSequence uri) {
288         DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
289         LongBinding.longToEntry(createKey(uri), key);
290             OperationStatus status = null;
291         try {
292             status = alreadySeen.delete(null, key);
293         } catch (DatabaseException e) {
294             logger.severe(e.getMessage());
295         }
296         if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
297             count--;
298             return true; // removed
299         } else {
300             return false; // not present
301         }
302     }
304     public long flush() {
305     	    // We always write but this might be place to do the sync
306         // when checkpointing?  TODO.
307         return 0;
308     }
310     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
311         // sync deferred-write database
312         try {
313             alreadySeen.sync();
314         } catch (DatabaseException e) {
315             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
316             throw new RuntimeException(e);
317         }
318         oos.defaultWriteObject();
319     }
320 }