View Javadoc

1   /* WriterPoolProcessor
2    *
3    * $Id: 6904 2010-06-22 00:37:51Z nlevitt $
4    *
5    * Created on July 19th, 2006
6    *
7    * Copyright (C) 2006 Internet Archive.
8    *
9    * This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler (
10   *
11   * Heritrix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12   * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
13   * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
14   * any later version.
15   *
16   * Heritrix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19   * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
20   *
21   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
22   * along with Heritrix; if not, write to the Free Software
23   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
24   */
25  package org.archive.crawler.framework;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import java.util.ArrayList;
39  import java.util.Arrays;
40  import java.util.Iterator;
41  import java.util.List;
42  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
43  import java.util.logging.Logger;
45  import;
46  import;
47  import;
48  import javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator;
49  import javax.xml.transform.Templates;
50  import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
51  import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
52  import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
53  import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
54  import;
55  import;
57  import org.archive.crawler.Heritrix;
58  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CoreAttributeConstants;
59  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlHost;
60  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlOrder;
61  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlURI;
62  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.FetchStatusCodes;
63  import org.archive.crawler.deciderules.recrawl.IdenticalDigestDecideRule;
64  import org.archive.crawler.event.CrawlStatusListener;
65  import org.archive.crawler.settings.SimpleType;
66  import org.archive.crawler.settings.StringList;
67  import org.archive.crawler.settings.Type;
68  import org.archive.crawler.settings.XMLSettingsHandler;
69  import;
70  import;
71  import;
73  /***
74   * Abstract implementation of a file pool processor.
75   * Subclass to implement for a particular {@link WriterPoolMember} instance.
76   * @author Parker Thompson
77   * @author stack
78   */
79  public abstract class WriterPoolProcessor extends Processor
80  implements CoreAttributeConstants, CrawlStatusListener, FetchStatusCodes {
81      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
82      private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
84      /***
85       * Key to use asking settings for file compression value.
86       */
87      public static final String ATTR_COMPRESS = "compress";
89      /***
90       * Default as to whether we do compression of files.
91       */
92      public static final boolean DEFAULT_COMPRESS = true;
94      /***
95       * Key to use asking settings for file prefix value.
96       */
97      public static final String ATTR_PREFIX = "prefix";    
99      /***
100      * Key to use asking settings for arc path value.
101      */
102     public static final String ATTR_PATH ="path";
104     /***
105      * Key to use asking settings for file suffix value.
106      */
107     public static final String ATTR_SUFFIX = "suffix";
109     /***
110      * Key to use asking settings for file max size value.
111      */
112     public static final String ATTR_MAX_SIZE_BYTES = "max-size-bytes";
114     /***
115      * Key to get maximum pool size.
116      *
117      * This key is for maximum files active in the pool.
118      */
119     public static final String ATTR_POOL_MAX_ACTIVE = "pool-max-active";
121     /***
122      * Key to get maximum wait on pool object before we give up and
123      * throw IOException.
124      */
125     public static final String ATTR_POOL_MAX_WAIT = "pool-max-wait";
127     /***
128      * Key for the maximum bytes to write attribute.
129      */
130     public static final String ATTR_MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN =
131     	"total-bytes-to-write";
133     /***
134      * Key for whether to skip writing records of content-digest repeats 
135      */
136     public static final String ATTR_SKIP_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS =
137         "skip-identical-digests";
139     /***
140      * CrawlURI annotation indicating no record was written
141      */
142     protected static final String ANNOTATION_UNWRITTEN = "unwritten";
144     /***
145      * Default maximum file size.
146      */
147     public abstract long getDefaultMaxFileSize();
149     /***
150      * Default path list.
151      * 
152      * TODO: Confirm this one gets picked up.
153      */
154     private static final String [] DEFAULT_PATH = {"crawl-store"};
156     /***
157      * Reference to pool.
158      */
159     transient private WriterPool pool = null;
161     /***
162      * Total number of bytes written to disc.
163      */
164     private long totalBytesWritten = 0;
166     /***
167      * Calculate metadata once only.
168      */
169     transient private List<String> cachedMetadata = null;
172     /***
173      * @param name Name of this processor.
174      */
175     public WriterPoolProcessor(String name) {
176     	this(name, "Pool of files processor");
177     }
179     /***
180      * @param name Name of this processor.
181      * @param description Description for this processor.
182      */
183     public WriterPoolProcessor(final String name,
184         		final String description) {
185         super(name, description);
186         Type e = addElementToDefinition(
187             new SimpleType(ATTR_COMPRESS, "Compress files when " +
188             	"writing to disk.", new Boolean(DEFAULT_COMPRESS)));
189         e.setOverrideable(false);
190         e = addElementToDefinition(
191             new SimpleType(ATTR_PREFIX, 
192                 "File prefix. " +
193                 "The text supplied here will be used as a prefix naming " +
194                 "writer files.  For example if the prefix is 'IAH', " +
195                 "then file names will look like " +
196                 "IAH-20040808101010-0001-HOSTNAME.arc.gz " +
197                 "...if writing ARCs (The prefix will be " +
198                 "separated from the date by a hyphen).",
199                 WriterPoolMember.DEFAULT_PREFIX));
200         e = addElementToDefinition(
201             new SimpleType(ATTR_SUFFIX, "Suffix to tag onto " +
202                 "files. '${HOSTNAME_ADMINPORT}' in the suffix " + 
203                 "will be replaced with the local hostname and " +
204                 "web UI port. '${HOSTNAME}' in the suffix will be " + 
205                 "replaced with the local hostname. If empty, no "+  
206                 "suffix will be added.",
207                 WriterPoolMember.DEFAULT_SUFFIX));
208         e.setOverrideable(false);
209         e = addElementToDefinition(
210             new SimpleType(ATTR_MAX_SIZE_BYTES, "Max size of each file",
211                 new Long(getDefaultMaxFileSize())));
212         e.setOverrideable(false);
213         e = addElementToDefinition(
214             new StringList(ATTR_PATH, "Where to files. " +
215                 "Supply absolute or relative path.  If relative, files " +
216                 "will be written relative to " +
217                 "the " + CrawlOrder.ATTR_DISK_PATH + "setting." +
218                 " If more than one path specified, we'll round-robin" +
219                 " dropping files to each.  This setting is safe" +
220                 " to change midcrawl (You can remove and add new dirs" +
221                 " as the crawler progresses).", getDefaultPath()));
222         e.setOverrideable(false);
223         e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_POOL_MAX_ACTIVE,
224             "Maximum active files in pool. " +
225             "This setting cannot be varied over the life of a crawl.",
226             new Integer(WriterPool.DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE)));
227         e.setOverrideable(false);
228         e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_POOL_MAX_WAIT,
229             "Maximum time to wait on pool element" +
230             " (milliseconds). This setting cannot be varied over the life" +
231             " of a crawl.",
232             new Integer(WriterPool.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_WAIT)));
233         e.setOverrideable(false);
234         e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN,
235             "Total file bytes to write to disk." +
236             " Once the size of all files on disk has exceeded this " +
237             "limit, this processor will stop the crawler. " +
238             "A value of zero means no upper limit.", new Long(0)));
239         e.setOverrideable(false);
240         e.setExpertSetting(true);
241         e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_SKIP_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS,
242                 "Whether to skip the writing of a record when URI " +
243                 "history information is available and indicates the " +
244                 "prior fetch had an identical content digest. " +
245                 "Default is false.", new Boolean(false)));
246         e.setOverrideable(true);
247         e.setExpertSetting(true);
248     }
250     protected String [] getDefaultPath() {
251     	return DEFAULT_PATH;
252 	}
254     public synchronized void initialTasks() {
255         // Add this class to crawl state listeners and setup pool.
256         getSettingsHandler().getOrder().getController().
257             addCrawlStatusListener(this);
258         setupPool(new AtomicInteger());
259         // Run checkpoint recovery code.
260         if (getSettingsHandler().getOrder().getController().
261         		isCheckpointRecover()) {
262         	checkpointRecover();
263         }
264     }
266     protected AtomicInteger getSerialNo() {
267         return ((WriterPool)getPool()).getSerialNo();
268     }
270     /***
271      * Set up pool of files.
272      */
273     protected abstract void setupPool(final AtomicInteger serialNo);
275     /***
276      * Writes a CrawlURI and its associated data to store file.
277      *
278      * Currently this method understands the following uri types: dns, http, 
279      * and https.
280      *
281      * @param curi CrawlURI to process.
282      */
283     protected abstract void innerProcess(CrawlURI curi);
285     protected void checkBytesWritten() {
286         long max = getMaxToWrite();
287         if (max <= 0) {
288             return;
289         }
290         if (max <= this.totalBytesWritten) {
291             getController().requestCrawlStop("Finished - Maximum bytes (" +
292                 Long.toString(max) + ") written");
293         }
294     }
296     /***
297      * Whether the given CrawlURI should be written to archive files. 
298      * Annotates CrawlURI with a reason for any negative answer. 
299      * 
300      * @param curi CrawlURI
301      * @return true if URI should be written; false otherwise
302      */
303     protected boolean shouldWrite(CrawlURI curi) {
304         // check for duplicate content write suppression
305         if(((Boolean)getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_SKIP_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS)) 
306             && IdenticalDigestDecideRule.hasIdenticalDigest(curi)) {
307             curi.addAnnotation(ANNOTATION_UNWRITTEN + ":identicalDigest");
308             return false; 
309         }
310         String scheme = curi.getUURI().getScheme().toLowerCase();
311         // TODO: possibly move this sort of isSuccess() test into CrawlURI
312         boolean retVal; 
313         if (scheme.equals("dns")) {
314             retVal = curi.getFetchStatus() == S_DNS_SUCCESS;
315         } else if (scheme.equals("http") || scheme.equals("https")) {
316             retVal = curi.getFetchStatus() > 0 && curi.isHttpTransaction();
317         } else if (scheme.equals("ftp")) {
318             retVal = curi.getFetchStatus() > 0;
319         } else {
320             // unsupported scheme
321             curi.addAnnotation(ANNOTATION_UNWRITTEN + ":scheme");
322             return false; 
323         }
324         if (retVal == false) {
325             // status not deserving writing
326             curi.addAnnotation(ANNOTATION_UNWRITTEN + ":status");
327             return false; 
328         }
329         return true; 
330     }
332     /***
333      * Return IP address of given URI suitable for recording (as in a
334      * classic ARC 5-field header line).
335      * 
336      * @param curi CrawlURI
337      * @return String of IP address
338      */
339     protected String getHostAddress(CrawlURI curi) {
340         // special handling for DNS URIs: want address of DNS server
341         if(curi.getUURI().getScheme().toLowerCase().equals("dns")) {
342             return curi.getString(A_DNS_SERVER_IP_LABEL);
343         }
344         // otherwise, host referenced in URI
345         CrawlHost h = getController().getServerCache().getHostFor(curi);
346         if (h == null) {
347             throw new NullPointerException("Crawlhost is null for " +
348                 curi + " " + curi.getVia());
349         }
350         InetAddress a = h.getIP();
351         if (a == null) {
352             throw new NullPointerException("Address is null for " +
353                 curi + " " + curi.getVia() + ". Address " +
354                 ((h.getIpFetched() == CrawlHost.IP_NEVER_LOOKED_UP)?
355                      "was never looked up.":
356                      (System.currentTimeMillis() - h.getIpFetched()) +
357                          " ms ago."));
358         }
359         return h.getIP().getHostAddress();
360     }
362     /***
363      * Version of getAttributes that catches and logs exceptions
364      * and returns null if failure to fetch the attribute.
365      * @param name Attribute name.
366      * @return Attribute or null.
367      */
368     public Object getAttributeUnchecked(String name) {
369         Object result = null;
370         try {
371             result = super.getAttribute(name);
372         } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
373             logger.warning(e.getLocalizedMessage());
374         } catch (MBeanException e) {
375             logger.warning(e.getLocalizedMessage());
376         } catch (ReflectionException e) {
377             logger.warning(e.getLocalizedMessage());
378         }
379         return result;
380     }
382    /***
383     * Max size we want files to be (bytes).
384     *
385     * Default is ARCConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_ARC_FILE_SIZE.  Note that ARC
386     * files will usually be bigger than maxSize; they'll be maxSize + length
387     * to next boundary.
388     * @return ARC maximum size.
389     */
390     public long getMaxSize() {
391         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_MAX_SIZE_BYTES);
392         return (obj == null)? getDefaultMaxFileSize(): ((Long)obj).longValue();
393     }
395     public String getPrefix() {
396         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_PREFIX);
397         return (obj == null)? WriterPoolMember.DEFAULT_PREFIX: (String)obj;
398     }
400     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
401     public List<File> getOutputDirs() {
402         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_PATH);
403         List list = (obj == null)? Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_PATH): (StringList)obj;
404         ArrayList<File> results = new ArrayList<File>();
405         for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
406             String path = (String);
407             File f = new File(path);
408             if (!f.isAbsolute()) {
409                 f = new File(getController().getDisk(), path);
410             }
411             if (!f.exists()) {
412                 try {
413                     f.mkdirs();
414                 } catch (Exception e) {
415                     e.printStackTrace();
416                     continue;
417                 }
418             }
419             results.add(f);
420         }
421         return results;
422     }
424     public boolean isCompressed() {
425         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_COMPRESS);
426         return (obj == null)? DEFAULT_COMPRESS:
427             ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
428     }
430     /***
431      * @return Returns the poolMaximumActive.
432      */
433     public int getPoolMaximumActive() {
434         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_POOL_MAX_ACTIVE);
435         return (obj == null)? WriterPool.DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE:
436             ((Integer)obj).intValue();
437     }
439     /***
440      * @return Returns the poolMaximumWait.
441      */
442     public int getPoolMaximumWait() {
443         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_POOL_MAX_WAIT);
444         return (obj == null)? WriterPool.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_WAIT:
445             ((Integer)obj).intValue();
446     }
448     private String getHostname() {
449         String hostname = "localhost.localdomain";
450         try {
451             hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName();
452         } catch (UnknownHostException ue) {
453             logger.severe("Failed getHostAddress for this host: " + ue);
454         }
456         return hostname;
457     }
459     private int getPort() {
460         if (Heritrix.getHttpServer() != null) {
461             return Heritrix.getHttpServer().getPort();
462         } else {
463             return 0;
464         }
465     }
467     public String getSuffix() {
468         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_SUFFIX);
469         String sfx = (obj == null)?
470             WriterPoolMember.DEFAULT_SUFFIX: (String)obj;
471         sfx = sfx.trim(); 
472         if (sfx.contains(WriterPoolMember.HOSTNAME_ADMINPORT_VARIABLE) 
473                 || sfx.contains(WriterPoolMember.HOSTNAME_VARIABLE)) {
474             String hostname = getHostname();
475             sfx = sfx.replace(WriterPoolMember.HOSTNAME_ADMINPORT_VARIABLE, hostname + "-" + getPort());
476             sfx = sfx.replace(WriterPoolMember.HOSTNAME_VARIABLE, hostname);
477             }
478         return sfx;
479     }
481     public long getMaxToWrite() {
482         Object obj = getAttributeUnchecked(ATTR_MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN);
483         return (obj == null)? 0: ((Long)obj).longValue();
484     }
486 	public void crawlEnding(String sExitMessage) {
487 	}
489 	public void crawlEnded(String sExitMessage) {
490         // sExitMessage is unused.
491 	    this.pool.close();
492 	}
494     /* (non-Javadoc)
495      * @see org.archive.crawler.event.CrawlStatusListener#crawlStarted(java.lang.String)
496      */
497     public void crawlStarted(String message) {
498         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
499     }
501     protected String getCheckpointStateFile() {
502     	return this.getClass().getName() + ".state";
503     }
505     public void crawlCheckpoint(File checkpointDir) throws IOException {
506         int serial = getSerialNo().get();
507         if (this.pool.getNumActive() > 0) {
508             // If we have open active Archive files, up the serial number
509             // so after checkpoint, we start at one past current number and
510             // so the number we serialize, is one past current serialNo.
511             // All this serial number manipulation should be fine in here since
512             // we're paused checkpointing (Revisit if this assumption changes).
513             serial = getSerialNo().incrementAndGet();
514         }
515         saveCheckpointSerialNumber(checkpointDir, serial);
516         // Close all ARCs on checkpoint.
517         try {
518             this.pool.close();
519         } finally {
520             // Reopen on checkpoint.
521             setupPool(new AtomicInteger(serial));
522         }
523     }
525 	public void crawlPausing(String statusMessage) {
526         // sExitMessage is unused.
527 	}
529 	public void crawlPaused(String statusMessage) {
530         // sExitMessage is unused.
531 	}
533 	public void crawlResuming(String statusMessage) {
534         // sExitMessage is unused.
535 	}
537     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
538     throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
539         stream.defaultReadObject();
540         ObjectPlusFilesInputStream coistream =
541             (ObjectPlusFilesInputStream)stream;
542         coistream.registerFinishTask( new Runnable() {
543             public void run() {
544             	setupPool(new AtomicInteger());
545             }
546         });
547     }
549 	protected WriterPool getPool() {
550 		return pool;
551 	}
553 	protected void setPool(WriterPool pool) {
554 		this.pool = pool;
555 	}
557 	protected long getTotalBytesWritten() {
558 		return totalBytesWritten;
559 	}
561 	protected void setTotalBytesWritten(long totalBytesWritten) {
562         this.totalBytesWritten = totalBytesWritten;
563     }
565     /***
566      * Called out of {@link #initialTasks()} when recovering a checkpoint.
567      * Restore state.
568      */
569     protected void checkpointRecover() {
570         int serialNo = loadCheckpointSerialNumber();
571         if (serialNo != -1) {
572             getSerialNo().set(serialNo);
573         }
574     }
576     /***
577      * @return Serial number from checkpoint state file or if unreadable, -1
578      * (Client should check for -1).
579      */
580     protected int loadCheckpointSerialNumber() {
581         int result = -1;
583         // If in recover mode, read in the Writer serial number saved
584         // off when we checkpointed.
585         File stateFile = new File(getSettingsHandler().getOrder()
586                 .getController().getCheckpointRecover().getDirectory(),
587                 getCheckpointStateFile());
588         if (!stateFile.exists()) {
590                     + " doesn't exist so cannot restore Writer serial number.");
591         } else {
592             DataInputStream dis = null;
593             try {
594                 dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(stateFile));
595                 result = dis.readShort();
596             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
597                 e.printStackTrace();
598             } catch (IOException e) {
599                 e.printStackTrace();
600             } finally {
601                 try {
602                     if (dis != null) {
603                         dis.close();
604                     }
605                 } catch (IOException e) {
606                     e.printStackTrace();
607                 }
608             }
609         }
610         return result;
611     }
613     protected void saveCheckpointSerialNumber(final File checkpointDir,
614             final int serialNo)
615     throws IOException {
616         // Write out the current state of the ARCWriter serial number.
617         File f = new File(checkpointDir, getCheckpointStateFile());
618         DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
619         try {
620             dos.writeShort(serialNo);
621         } finally {
622             dos.close();
623         }
624     }
626     /***
627      * Return list of metadatas to add to first arc file metadata record.
628      * 
629      * Default is to stylesheet the order file.  To specify stylesheet,
630      * override {@link #getFirstrecordStylesheet()}.
631      *
632      * Get xml files from settingshandler.  Currently order file is the
633      * only xml file.  We're NOT adding seeds to meta data.
634      *
635      * @return List of strings and/or files to add to arc file as metadata or
636      * null.
637      */
638     public synchronized List<String> getMetadata() {
639         if (this.cachedMetadata != null) {
640             return this.cachedMetadata;
641         }
642         return cacheMetadata();
643     }
645     protected synchronized List<String> cacheMetadata() {
647         // If no stylesheet, return empty metadata.
648         if (getFirstrecordStylesheet() == null ||
649                 getFirstrecordStylesheet().length() == 0) {
650             this.cachedMetadata = new ArrayList<String>(1);
651             this.cachedMetadata.add("");
652             return this.cachedMetadata;
653         }
655         List<String> result = null;
656         if (!XMLSettingsHandler.class.isInstance(getSettingsHandler())) {
657             logger.warning("Expected xml settings handler (No warcinfo).");
658             // Early return
659             return result;
660         }
662         XMLSettingsHandler xsh = (XMLSettingsHandler)getSettingsHandler();
663         File orderFile = xsh.getOrderFile();
664         if (!orderFile.exists() || !orderFile.canRead()) {
665                 logger.severe("File " + orderFile.getAbsolutePath() +
666                     " is does not exist or is not readable.");
667         } else {
668             result = new ArrayList<String>(1);
669             result.add(getFirstrecordBody(orderFile));
670         }
671         this.cachedMetadata = result;
672         return this.cachedMetadata;
673     }
675     /***
676      * @preturn Full path to stylesheet (Its read off the CLASSPATH
677      * as resource).
678      */
679     protected String getFirstrecordStylesheet() {
680         return null;
681     }
683     /***
684      * Write the arc metadata body content.
685      *
686      * Its based on the order xml file but into this base we'll add other info
687      * such as machine ip.
688      *
689      * @param orderFile Order file.
691      *
692      * @return String that holds the arc metaheader body.
693      */
694     protected String getFirstrecordBody(File orderFile) {
695         String result = null;
696         TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
697         Templates templates = null;
698         Transformer xformer = null;
699         try {
700             templates = factory.newTemplates(new StreamSource(
701                 this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(getFirstrecordStylesheet())));
702             xformer = templates.newTransformer();
703             // Below parameter names must match what is in the stylesheet.
704             xformer.setParameter("software", "Heritrix " +
705                 Heritrix.getVersion() + "");
706             xformer.setParameter("ip",
707                 InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress());
708             xformer.setParameter("hostname",
709                 InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName());
710             StreamSource source = new StreamSource(
711                 new FileInputStream(orderFile));
712             StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
713             StreamResult target = new StreamResult(writer);
714             xformer.transform(source, target);
715             result= writer.toString();
716         } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
717             logger.severe("Failed transform " + e);
718         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
719             logger.severe("Failed transform, file not found " + e);
720         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
721             logger.severe("Failed transform, unknown host " + e);
722         } catch(TransformerException e) {
723             SourceLocator locator = e.getLocator();
724             int col = locator.getColumnNumber();
725             int line = locator.getLineNumber();
726             String publicId = locator.getPublicId();
727             String systemId = locator.getSystemId();
728             logger.severe("Transform error " + e + ", col " + col + ", line " +
729                 line + ", publicId " + publicId + ", systemId " + systemId);
730         }
732         return result;
733     }
734 }