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1   /* Frontier
2    *
3    * $Id: 6815 2010-04-12 21:32:49Z gojomo $
4    *
5    * Created on Mar 29, 2004
6    *
7    * Copyright (C) 2004 Internet Archive.
8    *
9    * This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler (
10   *
11   * Heritrix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12   * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
13   * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
14   * any later version.
15   *
16   * Heritrix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19   * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
20   *
21   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
22   * along with Heritrix; if not, write to the Free Software
23   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
24   */
25  package org.archive.crawler.framework;
27  import;
28  import java.util.ArrayList;
30  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CandidateURI;
31  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlSubstats;
32  import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlURI;
33  import org.archive.crawler.framework.exceptions.EndedException;
34  import org.archive.crawler.framework.exceptions.FatalConfigurationException;
35  import org.archive.crawler.framework.exceptions.InvalidFrontierMarkerException;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import org.archive.util.Reporter;
41  /***
42   * An interface for URI Frontiers.
43   *
44   * <p>A URI Frontier is a pluggable module in Heritrix that maintains the
45   * internal state of the crawl. This includes (but is not limited to):
46   * <ul>
47   *     <li>What URIs have been discovered
48   *     <li>What URIs are being processed (fetched)
49   *     <li>What URIs have been processed
50   *     <li>In what order unprocessed URIs will be processed
51   * </ul>
52   *
53   * <p>The Frontier is also responsible for enforcing any politeness restrictions
54   * that may have been applied to the crawl. Such as limiting simultaneous
55   * connection to the same host, server or IP number to 1 (or any other fixed
56   * amount), delays between connections etc.
57   *
58   * <p>A URIFrontier is created by the
59   * {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController CrawlController} which
60   * is in turn responsible for providing access to it. Most significant among
61   * those modules interested in the Frontier are the
62   * {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.ToeThread ToeThreads} who perform the
63   * actual work of processing a URI.
64   *
65   * <p>The methods defined in this interface are those required to get URIs for
66   * processing, report the results of processing back (ToeThreads) and to get
67   * access to various statistical data along the way. The statistical data is
68   * of interest to {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.StatisticsTracking
69   * Statistics Tracking} modules. A couple of additional methods are provided
70   * to be able to inspect and manipulate the Frontier at runtime.
71   *
72   * <p>The statistical data exposed by this interface is:
73   * <ul>
74   *     <li> {@link #discoveredUriCount() Discovered URIs}
75   *     <li> {@link #queuedUriCount() Queued URIs}
76   *     <li> {@link #finishedUriCount() Finished URIs}
77   *     <li> {@link #succeededFetchCount() Successfully processed URIs}
78   *     <li> {@link #failedFetchCount() Failed to process URIs}
79   *     <li> {@link #disregardedUriCount() Disregarded URIs}
80   *     <li> {@link #totalBytesWritten() Total bytes written}
81   * </ul>
82   *
83   * <p>In addition the frontier may optionally implement an interface that
84   * exposes information about hosts.
85   *
86   * <p>Furthermore any implementation of the URI Frontier should trigger
87   * {@link org.archive.crawler.event.CrawlURIDispositionListener
88   * CrawlURIDispostionEvents} by invoking the proper methods on the
89   * {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController CrawlController}.
90   * Doing this allows a custom built
91   * {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.StatisticsTracking
92   * Statistics Tracking} module to gather any other additional data it might be
93   * interested in by examining the completed URIs.
94   *
95   * <p>All URI Frontiers inherit from
96   * {@link org.archive.crawler.settings.ModuleType ModuleType}
97   * and therefore creating settings follows the usual pattern of pluggable modules
98   * in Heritrix.
99   *
100  * @author Gordon Mohr
101  * @author Kristinn Sigurdsson
102  *
103  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController
104  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController#fireCrawledURIDisregardEvent(CrawlURI)
105  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController#fireCrawledURIFailureEvent(CrawlURI)
106  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController#fireCrawledURINeedRetryEvent(CrawlURI)
107  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController#fireCrawledURISuccessfulEvent(CrawlURI)
108  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.StatisticsTracking
109  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.ToeThread
110  * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.FrontierHostStatistics
111  * @see org.archive.crawler.settings.ModuleType
112  */
113 public interface Frontier extends Reporter {
114     /***
115      * All URI Frontiers should have the same 'name' attribute. This constant
116      * defines that name. This is a name used to reference the Frontier being
117      * used in a given crawl order and since there can only be one Frontier
118      * per crawl order a fixed, unique name for Frontiers is optimal.
119      *
120      * @see org.archive.crawler.settings.ModuleType#ModuleType(String)
121      */
122     public static final String ATTR_NAME = "frontier";
124     /***
125      * Initialize the Frontier.
126      *
127      * <p> This method is invoked by the CrawlController once it has
128      * created the Frontier. The constructor of the Frontier should
129      * only contain code for setting up it's settings framework. This
130      * method should contain all other 'startup' code.
131      *
132      * @param c The CrawlController that created the Frontier.
133      *
134      * @throws FatalConfigurationException If provided settings are illegal or
135      *            otherwise unusable.
136      * @throws IOException If there is a problem reading settings or seeds file
137      *            from disk.
138      */
139     public void initialize(CrawlController c)
140             throws FatalConfigurationException, IOException;
142     /***
143      * Get the next URI that should be processed. If no URI becomes availible
144      * during the time specified null will be returned.
145      *
146      * @return the next URI that should be processed.
147      * @throws InterruptedException
148      * @throws EndedException 
149      */
150     CrawlURI next() throws InterruptedException, EndedException;
152     /***
153      * Returns true if the frontier contains no more URIs to crawl.
154      *
155      * <p>That is to say that there are no more URIs either currently availible
156      * (ready to be emitted), URIs belonging to deferred hosts or pending URIs
157      * in the Frontier. Thus this method may return false even if there is no
158      * currently availible URI.
159      *
160      * @return true if the frontier contains no more URIs to crawl.
161      */
162     boolean isEmpty();
164     /***
165      * Schedules a CandidateURI.
166      *
167      * <p>This method accepts one URI and schedules it immediately. This has
168      * nothing to do with the priority of the URI being scheduled. Only that
169      * it will be placed in it's respective queue at once. For priority
170      * scheduling see {@link CandidateURI#setSchedulingDirective(int)}
171      *
172      * <p>This method should be synchronized in all implementing classes.
173      *
174      * @param caURI The URI to schedule.
175      *
176      * @see CandidateURI#setSchedulingDirective(int)
177      */
178     public void schedule(CandidateURI caURI);
180     /***
181      * Report a URI being processed as having finished processing.
182      *
183      * <p>ToeThreads will invoke this method once they have completed work on
184      * their assigned URI.
185      *
186      * <p>This method is synchronized.
187      *
188      * @param cURI The URI that has finished processing.
189      */
190     public void finished(CrawlURI cURI);
192     /***
193      * Number of <i>discovered</i> URIs.
194      *
195      * <p>That is any URI that has been confirmed be within 'scope'
196      * (i.e. the Frontier decides that it should be processed). This
197      * includes those that have been processed, are being processed
198      * and have finished processing. Does not include URIs that have
199      * been 'forgotten' (deemed out of scope when trying to fetch,
200      * most likely due to operator changing scope definition).
201      *
202      * <p><b>Note:</b> This only counts discovered URIs. Since the same
203      * URI can (at least in most frontiers) be fetched multiple times, this
204      * number may be somewhat lower then the combined <i>queued</i>,
205      * <i>in process</i> and <i>finished</i> items combined due to duplicate
206      * URIs being queued and processed. This variance is likely to be especially
207      * high in Frontiers implementing 'revist' strategies.
208      *
209      * @return Number of discovered URIs.
210      */
211     public long discoveredUriCount();
213     /***
214      * Number of URIs <i>queued</i> up and waiting for processing.
215      *
216      * <p>This includes any URIs that failed but will be retried. Basically this
217      * is any <i>discovered</i> URI that has not either been processed or is
218      * being processed. The same discovered URI can be queued multiple times.
219      *
220      * @return Number of queued URIs.
221      */
222     public long queuedUriCount();
224     public long deepestUri(); // aka longest queue
225     public long averageDepth(); // aka average queue length
226     public float congestionRatio(); // multiple of threads needed for max progress
228     /***
229      * Number of URIs that have <i>finished</i> processing.
230      *
231      * <p>Includes both those that were processed successfully and failed to be
232      * processed (excluding those that failed but will be retried). Does not
233      * include those URIs that have been 'forgotten' (deemed out of scope when
234      * trying to fetch, most likely due to operator changing scope definition).
235      *
236      * @return Number of finished URIs.
237      */
238     public long finishedUriCount();
240     /***
241      * Number of <i>successfully</i> processed URIs.
242      *
243      * <p>Any URI that was processed successfully. This includes URIs that
244      * returned 404s and other error codes that do not originate within the
245      * crawler.
246      *
247      * @return Number of <i>successfully</i> processed URIs.
248      */
249     public long succeededFetchCount();
251     /***
252      * Number of URIs that <i>failed</i> to process.
253      *
254      * <p>URIs that could not be processed because of some error or failure in
255      * the processing chain. Can include failure to acquire prerequisites, to
256      * establish a connection with the host and any number of other problems.
257      * Does not count those that will be retried, only those that have
258      * permenantly failed.
259      *
260      * @return Number of URIs that failed to process.
261      */
262     public long failedFetchCount();
264     /***
265      * Number of URIs that were scheduled at one point but have been
266      * <i>disregarded</i>.
267      *
268      * <p>Counts any URI that is scheduled only to be disregarded
269      * because it is determined to lie outside the scope of the crawl. Most
270      * commonly this will be due to robots.txt exclusions.
271      *
272      * @return The number of URIs that have been disregarded.
273      */
274     public long disregardedUriCount();
276     /***
277      * Total number of bytes contained in all URIs that have been processed.
278      *
279      * @return The total amounts of bytes in all processed URIs.
280      * @deprecated misnomer; consult StatisticsTracker instead
281      */
282     public long totalBytesWritten();
284     /***
285      * Recover earlier state by reading a recovery log.
286      *
287      * <p>Some Frontiers are able to write detailed logs that can be loaded
288      * after a system crash to recover the state of the Frontier prior to the
289      * crash. This method is the one used to achive this.
290      *
291      * @param pathToLog The name (with full path) of the recover log.
292      * @param retainFailures If true, failures in log should count as 
293      * having been included. (If false, failures will be ignored, meaning
294      * the corresponding URIs will be retried in the recovered crawl.)
295      * @throws IOException If problems occur reading the recover log.
296      */
297     public void importRecoverLog(String pathToLog, boolean retainFailures)
298 			throws IOException;
300     /***
301      * Get a <code>URIFrontierMarker</code> initialized with the given
302      * regular expression at the 'start' of the Frontier.
303      * @param regexpr The regular expression that URIs within the frontier must
304      *                match to be considered within the scope of this marker
305      * @param inCacheOnly If set to true, only those URIs within the frontier
306      *                that are stored in cache (usually this means in memory
307      *                rather then on disk, but that is an implementation
308      *                detail) will be considered. Others will be entierly
309      *                ignored, as if they dont exist. This is usefull for quick
310      *                peeks at the top of the URI list.
311      * @return A URIFrontierMarker that is set for the 'start' of the frontier's
312      *                URI list.
313      */
314     public FrontierMarker getInitialMarker(String regexpr,
315                                               boolean inCacheOnly);
317     /***
318      * Returns a list of all uncrawled URIs starting from a specified marker
319      * until <code>numberOfMatches</code> is reached.
320      *
321      * <p>Any encountered URI that has not been successfully crawled, terminally
322      * failed, disregarded or is currently being processed is included. As
323      * there may be duplicates in the frontier, there may also be duplicates
324      * in the report. Thus this includes both discovered and pending URIs.
325      *
326      * <p>The list is a set of strings containing the URI strings. If verbose is
327      * true the string will include some additional information (path to URI
328      * and parent).
329      *
330      * <p>The <code>URIFrontierMarker</code> will be advanced to the position at
331      * which it's maximum number of matches found is reached. Reusing it for
332      * subsequent calls will thus effectively get the 'next' batch. Making
333      * any changes to the frontier can invalidate the marker.
334      *
335      * <p>While the order returned is consistent, it does <i>not</i> have any
336      * explicit relation to the likely order in which they may be processed.
337      *
338      * <p><b>Warning:</b> It is unsafe to make changes to the frontier while
339      * this method is executing. The crawler should be in a paused state before
340      * invoking it.
341      *
342      * @param marker
343      *            A marker specifing from what position in the Frontier the
344      *            list should begin.
345      * @param numberOfMatches
346      *            how many URIs to add at most to the list before returning it
347      * @param verbose
348      *            if set to true the strings returned will contain additional
349      *            information about each URI beyond their names.
350      * @return a list of all pending URIs falling within the specification
351      *            of the marker
352      * @throws InvalidFrontierMarkerException when the
353      *            <code>URIFronterMarker</code> does not match the internal
354      *            state of the frontier. Tolerance for this can vary
355      *            considerably from one URIFrontier implementation to the next.
356      * @see FrontierMarker
357      * @see #getInitialMarker(String, boolean)
358      */
359     public ArrayList<String> getURIsList(FrontierMarker marker,
360                                  int numberOfMatches,
361                                  boolean verbose)
362                              throws InvalidFrontierMarkerException;
364     /***
365      * Delete any URI that matches the given regular expression from the list
366      * of discovered and pending URIs. This does not prevent them from being
367      * rediscovered.
368      *
369      * <p>Any encountered URI that has not been successfully crawled, terminally
370      * failed, disregarded or is currently being processed is considered to be
371      * a pending URI.
372      *
373      * <p><b>Warning:</b> It is unsafe to make changes to the frontier while
374      * this method is executing. The crawler should be in a paused state before
375      * invoking it.
376      *
377      * @param match A regular expression, any URIs that matches it will be
378      *              deleted.
379      * @return The number of URIs deleted
380      */
381     public long deleteURIs(String match);
383     /***
384      * Delete any URI that matches the given regular expression from the list
385      * of discovered and pending URIs, if it is in a queue with a name matching
386      * the second regular expression. This does not prevent them from being
387      * rediscovered.
388      *
389      * <p>Any encountered URI that has not been successfully crawled, terminally
390      * failed, disregarded or is currently being processed is considered to be
391      * a pending URI.
392      *
393      * <p><b>Warning:</b> It is unsafe to make changes to the frontier while
394      * this method is executing. The crawler should be in a paused state before
395      * invoking it.
396      *
397      * @param uriMatch A regular expression, any URIs that matches will be
398      *              deleted from the affected queues.
399      * @param queueMatch A regular expression, any queues matching will have
400      *              their URIs checked. A null value means all queues.
401      * @return The number of URIs deleted
402      */
403     public long deleteURIs(String uriMatch, String queueMatch);
405     /***
406      * Notify Frontier that a CrawlURI has been deleted outside of the
407      * normal next()/finished() lifecycle. 
408      * 
409      * @param curi Deleted CrawlURI.
410      */
411     public void deleted(CrawlURI curi);
413     /***
414      * Notify Frontier that it should consider the given UURI as if
415      * already scheduled.
416      * 
417      * @param u UURI instance to add to the Already Included set.
418      */
419     public void considerIncluded(UURI u);
421     /***
422      * Notify Frontier that it should consider updating configuration
423      * info that may have changed in external files.
424      */
425     public void kickUpdate();
427     /***
428      * Notify Frontier that it should not release any URIs, instead
429      * holding all threads, until instructed otherwise. 
430      */
431     public void pause();
433     /***
434      * Resumes the release of URIs to crawl, allowing worker
435      * ToeThreads to proceed. 
436      */
437     public void unpause();
439     /***
440      * Notify Frontier that it should end the crawl, giving
441      * any worker ToeThread that askss for a next() an 
442      * EndedException. 
443      */
444     public void terminate();
446     /***
447      * @return Return the instance of {@link FrontierJournal} that
448      * this Frontier is using.  May be null if no journaling.
449      */
450     public FrontierJournal getFrontierJournal();
452     /***
453      * @param cauri CandidateURI for which we're to calculate and
454      * set class key.
455      * @return Classkey for <code>cauri</code>.
456      */
457     public String getClassKey(CandidateURI cauri);
459     /***
460      * Request that the Frontier load (or reload) crawl seeds, 
461      * typically by contacting the Scope. 
462      */
463     public void loadSeeds();
465     /***
466      * Request that Frontier allow crawling to begin. Usually
467      * just unpauses Frontier, if paused. 
468      */
469     public void start();
471     /***
472      * Get the 'frontier group' (usually queue) for the given 
473      * CrawlURI. 
474      * @param curi CrawlURI to find matching group
475      * @return FrontierGroup for the CrawlURI
476      */
477     public FrontierGroup getGroup(CrawlURI curi);
479     /***
480      * Generic interface representing the internal groupings 
481      * of a Frontier's URIs -- usually queues. Currently only 
482      * offers the HasCrawlSubstats interface. 
483      */
484     public interface FrontierGroup extends CrawlSubstats.HasCrawlSubstats {
486     }
488 	/***
489 	 * Perform any final tasks *before* notification crawl has
490 	 * reached 'FINISHED' status. (For example, anything that needs to 
491 	 * dump final data to disk/logs.)
492 	 */
493 	public void finalTasks();
494 }