Uses of Interface

Packages that use Reporter
org.archive.crawler.admin Contains classes that the web UI uses to monitor and control crawls. 

Uses of Reporter in org.archive.crawler.admin

Classes in org.archive.crawler.admin that implement Reporter
 class CrawlJob.MBeanCrawlController
          Subclass of crawlcontroller that unregisters beans when stopped.

Uses of Reporter in org.archive.crawler.datamodel

Classes in org.archive.crawler.datamodel that implement Reporter
 class CandidateURI
          A URI, discovered or passed-in, that may be scheduled.
 class CrawlURI
          Represents a candidate URI and the associated state it collects as it is crawled.

Uses of Reporter in org.archive.crawler.framework

Subinterfaces of Reporter in org.archive.crawler.framework
 interface Frontier
          An interface for URI Frontiers.

Classes in org.archive.crawler.framework that implement Reporter
 class CrawlController
          CrawlController collects all the classes which cooperate to perform a crawl and provides a high-level interface to the running crawl.
 class ToePool
          A collection of ToeThreads.
 class ToeThread
          One "worker thread"; asks for CrawlURIs, processes them, repeats unless told otherwise.

Uses of Reporter in

Classes in that implement Reporter
 class AbstractFrontier
          Shared facilities for Frontier implementations.
 class AdaptiveRevisitFrontier
          A Frontier that will repeatedly visit all encountered URIs.
 class AdaptiveRevisitQueueList
          Maintains an ordered list of AdaptiveRevisitHostQueues used by a Frontier.
 class BdbFrontier
          A Frontier using several BerkeleyDB JE Databases to hold its record of known hosts (queues), and pending URIs.
 class BdbWorkQueue
          One independent queue of items with the same 'classKey' (eg host).
 class DomainSensitiveFrontier
          Deprecated. As of release 1.10.0. Replaced by BdbFrontier and QuotaEnforcer.
 class WorkQueue
          A single queue of related URIs to visit, grouped by a classKey (typically "hostname:port" or similar)
 class WorkQueueFrontier
          A common Frontier base using several queues to hold pending URIs.

Uses of Reporter in org.archive.util

Methods in org.archive.util with parameters of type Reporter
static java.lang.String ArchiveUtils.singleLineReport(Reporter rep)
          Utility method to get a String singleLineReport from Reporter
static java.lang.String ArchiveUtils.writeReportToString(Reporter rep, java.lang.String name)
          Compose the requested report into a String.

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