Uses of Interface

Packages that use BloomFilter

Uses of BloomFilter in org.archive.crawler.util

Fields in org.archive.crawler.util declared as BloomFilter
(package private)  BloomFilter BloomUriUniqFilter.bloom

Uses of BloomFilter in org.archive.util

Classes in org.archive.util that implement BloomFilter
 class BloomFilter64bit
          A Bloom filter.

Methods in org.archive.util that return BloomFilter
(package private) abstract  BloomFilter BloomFilterTestBase.createBloom(long n, int d, java.util.Random random)

Methods in org.archive.util with parameters of type BloomFilter
protected  int BloomFilterTestBase.checkAdds(BloomFilter bloom, long count)
          Check that the given filter behaves properly as a large number of constructed unique strings are added: responding positively to contains, and negatively to redundant adds.
protected  int BloomFilterTestBase.checkContains(BloomFilter bloom, long count)
          Check if the given filter contains any of the given constructed strings.
 void BloomFilterTestBase.checkDistribution(BloomFilter bloom)
          Check that the given bloom filter, assumed to have already had a significant number of items added, has bits set in the lower and upper 10% of its bit field.

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