Uses of Class

Packages that use WorkQueueFrontier   

Uses of WorkQueueFrontier in

Subclasses of WorkQueueFrontier in
 class BdbFrontier
          A Frontier using several BerkeleyDB JE Databases to hold its record of known hosts (queues), and pending URIs.
 class DomainSensitiveFrontier
          Deprecated. As of release 1.10.0. Replaced by BdbFrontier and QuotaEnforcer.

Methods in with parameters of type WorkQueueFrontier
protected abstract  void WorkQueue.deleteItem(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, CrawlURI item)
          Removes the given item from the queue.
protected  void BdbWorkQueue.deleteItem(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, CrawlURI peekItem)
 long WorkQueue.deleteMatching(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, java.lang.String match)
          Delete URIs matching the given pattern from this queue.
protected abstract  long WorkQueue.deleteMatchingFromQueue(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, java.lang.String match)
          Delete URIs matching the given pattern from this queue.
protected  long BdbWorkQueue.deleteMatchingFromQueue(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, java.lang.String match)
 void WorkQueue.dequeue(WorkQueueFrontier frontier)
          Remove the peekItem from the queue and adjusts the count.
 void WorkQueue.enqueue(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, CrawlURI curi)
          Add the given CrawlURI, noting its addition in running count.
 UURI WorkQueue.getContextUURI(WorkQueueFrontier wqf)
protected abstract  void WorkQueue.insertItem(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, CrawlURI curi, boolean expectedPresent)
          Insert the given curi, whether it is already present or not.
protected  void BdbWorkQueue.insertItem(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, CrawlURI curi, boolean overwriteIfPresent)
 CrawlURI WorkQueue.peek(WorkQueueFrontier frontier)
          Return the topmost queue item -- and remember it, such that even later higher-priority inserts don't change it.
protected abstract  CrawlURI WorkQueue.peekItem(WorkQueueFrontier frontier)
          Returns first item from queue (does not delete)
protected  CrawlURI BdbWorkQueue.peekItem(WorkQueueFrontier frontier)
protected  void WorkQueue.resume(WorkQueueFrontier frontier)
          Resumes this WorkQueue.
 void WorkQueue.setActive(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, boolean b)
protected  void WorkQueue.suspend(WorkQueueFrontier frontier)
          Suspends this WorkQueue.
 void WorkQueue.update(WorkQueueFrontier frontier, CrawlURI curi)
          Update the given CrawlURI, which should already be present.

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