Uses of Class

Packages that use SurtPrefixedDecideRule
org.archive.crawler.deciderules Provides classes for a simple decision rules framework. 

Uses of SurtPrefixedDecideRule in org.archive.crawler.deciderules

Subclasses of SurtPrefixedDecideRule in org.archive.crawler.deciderules
 class NotOnDomainsDecideRule
          Rule applies configured decision to any URIs that are *not* in one of the domains in the configured set of domains, filled from the seed set.
 class NotOnHostsDecideRule
          Rule applies configured decision to any URIs that are *not* on one of the hosts in the configured set of hosts, filled from the seed set.
 class NotSurtPrefixedDecideRule
          Rule applies configured decision to any URIs that, when expressed in SURT form, do *not* begin with one of the prefixes in the configured set.
 class OnDomainsDecideRule
          Rule applies configured decision to any URIs that are on one of the domains in the configured set of domains, filled from the seed set.
 class OnHostsDecideRule
          Rule applies configured decision to any URIs that are on one of the hosts in the configured set of hosts, filled from the seed set.
 class ScopePlusOneDecideRule
          Rule allows one level of discovery beyond configured scope (e.g.

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